Skin Care Resolutions
In the middle of July as the dog days of summer approach, I like to revisit skin care resolutions I made at the start of the year. I like to think that I’m pretty disciplined when it comes to my skin, but I know there are things I can do to improve my skin and make my complexion cleaner and clearer!

Skin Care Results
Skin care resolutions don’t have to be boring and tedious; they can be fun and relaxing! I planned to get a facial each season this year because there isn’t a better way to get a deep cleaning, exfoliation and hydration without any effort on my part! Facials also help stimulate your skin and keep it in tip top shape so your skin care products are more effective and your beauty products go on more smoothly!
When it comes to caring for your skin, you want to create a routine you can stick to. What’s the point in spasmodic skin care? Just as your skin is getting used to a certain product or treatment we go and change the routine! Create a simple daily routine and stick with it!

Skin Care Product Mountain
One of your top skin care resolves should be to stop making impulse #skin care purchases! How many times have been suckered into buying skin care products that promise you the #world and you are left with nothing but an empty wallet!
In addition to only buying quality skin care products, just purchase skin care products that you need. At one point I had 5 exfoliators, 6 moisturizers, 6 cleansers and countless samples of eye creams and serums that I hardly used! #Skin care products aren’t good forever so I decided to cut back on buying products just for the sake of buying them or because they’re on sale.
A big part of caring for your skin involves tools so make sure clean and replace tools on a regular basis. I don’t know about you but I can easily forget or be too busy to wash or swap my makeup brushes, #face cleaning brush or loofah on a regular basis. We can undo all of our hard work taking good care of our skin if we’re using dirty or worn-out tools so this is a biggie when it comes to the health and upkeep of our #skin!

Skin Care Brushes
We’ve all heard about the importance of sunscreen in our skin care routine a million times but I’m not always consistent with it. You should always apply sunscreen to face, neck, chest, hands and any other place that happens to be exposed on the regular. I’m pretty good about applying sunscreen on my #face but my chest and hands are usually left vulnerable to the ravages of the sun. Learn from my mistakes and protect yourself!
These simple skin care resolutions are easy ways to make a big impact on the condition of your skin! Start incorporating these small changes and you’re sure to see the results of your hard work and consistency in your appearance! Have you ever made any skin care resolutions? What are you resolving to do differently with your #skin next year?